CE Request Form  

Complete this form to request CE after completing a LIVE CE class or self-study course with VRC University. 

Read Below for Information and to research each state requirements. 

VRC University provides our clients and others in the Insurance Industry with adjuster CE training.

When you attend a LIVE CE class or take a self-study course through VRC University, we will file the CE for the state per your request.
(Within 10 days of attending the LIVE or completing the self-study, It is important that you verify that your CE credit was properly credited by accessing your records via one of the sites below.)

Our LIVE CE courses are considered Classroom Equivalent in Texas and other states.

Many questions can be answered using the resources we provide here. As many things are in insurance, its complicated and varies greatly by state. We have compiled these resources to assist you in understanding and researching your Continuing Education requirements and responsibilities and highly recommend that you do your independent research to ensure your Adjuster License is in good standing.

Adjuster licenses and CE requirements also vary by the type of license that a person has. Other things to consider are where the person resides and what types of claims they handle.
There are so many variations that it is best for the insurance adjuster to review the requirements for the states where they hold licenses to ensure they get the appropriate number of hours and types of CE classes.

That is why we only tell you what states our courses are approved in and let you decide and tell us where you want us to file your CE.

Write your awesome label here.

State by state information (click here)

NIPR- National Insurance Producer Registry- Provides info and links to each states Department of Insurance. 

Adjuster CE Requirements by State (click here)

NIPR- Provides links to information on each state's requirement for Continuing Education.

SIRCON Texas info (click here)

This one handles Texas. You can create an account and manage your Texas Adjuster license and CE records.

SBS- State Based Systems- powered by NAIC (click here)

This site handles a lot of the CE programs for many states with the exception of Texas. 
SIRCON by Vetafore
Sircon is the provider for Texas. So if your a Texas Licensed adjuster you want to have an account here and check your status regularly.  They have a lot of resources on the page to help you manage your adjuster license. 

States handled by Sircon include: Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming.

State Based Systems
State Based Systems (SBS) is an electronic system built by the NAIC and designed and enhanced in partnership with regulators that automates state-based insurance regulation operations. Since 2002, we continuously look for ways to make regulator interactions with each other, industry partners and insurance consumers fast and effective.